The Bug-O Zipper Welder is designed to weld vertical seams on field storage tanks. The system is composed of two standard components: box rail assembly with carriage and the Modular Drive tractor. The box rail assembly with carriage hangs over the top lip of the course section. It can be rolled into position and is held there by powerful on/off magnets. There are box rails available for 8′ seams and 10′ seams. The Zipper Welder utilizes the Modular Drive tractor and offers systems setup with a pendulum or linear weavers. There is also an optional Automatic Torch Height Control System available for each unit.
The Weaver Control Module operates the Pendulum or Linear Weaver, and the Master Drive Unit. The Control Module features include: a digital readout and control knob for longitudinal travel speed; a switch for Forward/Stop/Reverse tractor control; an amplitude knob to set weave width from 1/8″-2″ (3-50 mm); weave speed control up to 100 in/min (254 cm/min); controls for left and right dwell; a knob to control steering up to 4″ (100 mm), either side of center; weld contact; and a power On/Off switch. One of four weld patterns can be chosen.
The Linear Weaver and the Weaver Control Module provide linear weave motion, producing welds from 1/8″ to 2″ (3-50 mm) wide.
The Pendulum Weaver and the Weaver Control Module provide pendulum weaving motion.